
Helensburgh Challenger Group is a charity providing access to sailing for individuals with disabilities. As corporate members of Helensburgh Sailing Club where we have full use of the clubhouse, including showers and toilets for both male and female disabled sailors, Helensburgh Challenger Group exists to advance the education and promote the welfare of disabled sailors and disabled persons in general.
It aims to promote the enjoyment of sailing by disabled people and to encourage, instruct and support disabled sailors enabling them to achieve the competence and confidence to enjoy taking charge of a Challenger afloat and ashore. HSC's facilities have been assessed by the RYA and confirmed as suitable - both ashore and afloat - for HCG activities. Accreditation for compliance with the RYA Sailability programme's requirements is addressed by HCG annually.
Challenger outings take place between April and September, with an initial training session for helper volunteers. Sessions are on Saturdays between 10 am and 3 pm. If you want to sail, just turn up! We can cope with all abilities, from complete novice. To find out more, or if you want to help at any of the events, please email Challengers at HSC.
The group has 4 boats, all in good condition, waterproof clothing for new sailors, plus the hoists and skills necessary to get anyone afloat. Not sure what a Challenger is? See below:
What is a Challenger?
A small, single-seater trimaran dinghy that is safe for any disabled person. It's unsinkable, self bailing, won’t capsize and is very stable. Use it racing, training or cruising. Launch from the beach, slipway, pontoon or mooring. And because it can be fitted with electronic controls and personalised seating, it enables disabled people from 12 to 92 years young, female and male to all enjoy the thrills and freedom of sailing.
Some great Challenger videos from an earlier Eric Chesher Regatta: